Prelim: Audience Research and Rationale

For my audience research rationale, I have conducted a video interview of a few people, including both male and female in the specific demographic. This is so I can get a range of opinions from different perspectives and this will then allow me to get a better understanding of fashion magazines, which I can hopefully use for my own front cover and how it will appeal its target audience. I asked a variety of questions which could stimulate critical responses, thus helping me to see what aspects of magazine covers are widely preferred over others. A video interview will not only allow the answers given to be in depth and offer a range of opinions but also help me to get an idea of the body language and facial expressions so I can see how the question has been approached. I first started off by asking the ages and genders just to make sure it was the correct target audience and then introduced more questions including a few which involved opinionated responses based on other covers of popular magazines. 

*All members shown have written permission to be featured in the video.


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